 Comparison of polyethylene raw materials PE80 with PE100

Comparison of polyethylene raw materials PE80 with PE100

Polyethylene pipes are currently produced based on 2 models of polyethylene raw material, which have different standard requirements at the time of product production, in this article we want to explain the difference between these two raw materials let’s pay

What is the difference between PE80 and PE100 polyethylene raw materials?

PE80 and PE100 polyethylene raw materials are two different types of polyethylene that are made using different production processes and have different characteristics.

The raw materials of polyethylene PE80 and PE100 are different in density and molecular weight, respectively.

PE100 raw material has a higher molecular weight and density than PE80, this feature makes PE100 have higher pressure and impact resistance and As a result, they are suitable for applications that require high resistance to pressure and impact, such as gas pipelines, water, sewage, refineries and chemical industries.

Polyethylene PE80 and PE100 are two different types of polyethylene that are made using different production processes and have different characteristics.

First of all, it can be said that PE100 has a higher molecular weight than PE80, and this makes PE100 more resistant to pressure and impact, and therefore in applications that require They have high resistance to pressure and impact, suitable for gas, water, sewage pipelines, refineries and chemical industries.

 Raw material PE100

Therefore, in applications that require higher resistance of polyethylene pipes to pressure and impact, such as gas transmission lines, it is more appropriate to use pipes made of PE100. In addition, in cases where there is a specific aqueous or chemical environment that is in contact with the pipes, the use of PE100 is recommended due to its greater resistance to chemical corrosion.

In addition to the difference in density, other characteristics of PE80 and PE100 polyethylene materials that can cause differences in the performance of pipes made from them are:

  1. Modulus of elasticity: PE100 has a higher modulus of elasticity than PE80. This makes the pipes made of PE100 more resistant to pressure and impact.
  2. Temperature tolerance: PE100 has a higher freezing temperature than PE80. This makes the pipes made of PE100 perform better in conditions where the pipes have to be placed at low temperatures.
  3. Longitudinal stability: PE100 has higher longitudinal stability than PE80. This means that pipes made of PE100 are less likely to be connected to the other walls of the pipe due to changes in longitudinal dimensions over time and temperature and pressure fluctuations.
  4. Useful life: In general, it can be said that pipes made of PE100 have a longer useful life compared to PE80.

In the process of making PE100, different catalysts are used, which have a higher ability to create a polymer with improved properties. Among the advantages of this type of polyethylene compared to PE80, the following can be mentioned:

    1. Higher pressure resistance: PE100 has higher pressure resistance due to its density and larger molecules. For this reason, PE100 is usually used in projects that require high pressure resistance.
    2. Creation of larger pipes: Due to its greater resistance to pressure, PE100 is used in the construction of larger pipes (more than 160 mm).
    3. Higher resistance to failure: The higher strength and hardness that PE100 has compared to PE80 increases its resistance to failure.
    4. Better corrosion resistance: PE100 provides higher corrosion resistance against various chemicals.
    5. More dimensional stability: Due to its higher hardness and resistance, PE100 has the ability to improve dimensional stability and avoid deviation in larger pipes.
    6. Longer service life: Due to greater resistance to corrosion and higher strength against breakage, pipes made of PE100 have a longer service life.
    7. Higher flexibility: PE100 has more flexibility than PE80 due to its more crystalline structure, which makes it suitable for use in pipes that require high flexibility.

PE80 polyethylene raw materials

However, in some cases PE80 is used, For smaller pipes (less than 110 mm) or in cases that require less resistance to pressure and chemical environments, PE80 polyethylene raw materials are used.

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