20 bar pressure polyethylene pipe



In the past, pipes were used for plumbing, which, over time, rotted and accumulated sediments in them. With the production and supply of polyethylene pipes, consumers were able to get rid of existing problems and reduce costs. 20 bar pressure polyethylene pipe is the best choice for agriculture and normal irrigation, drip irrigation, pressurized irrigation and rain irrigation due to its high quality and durability and high resistance to cold and heat.

High-density polyethylene – HDPE – is a very popular material for water pipes. The ability to reduce water shock of polyethylene pipes can be determined in the temperature range of -40 to 60 degrees Celsius according to the change of working pressure. Normally, the standard specification class identifies an HDPE pipe based on the nominal pressure class up to PN 20 or 20 bar. Polyethylene pipe with a pressure of 20 atmospheres is one of the HDPEs, which is produced with high density by Vala Polymer Company and is supplied in the pipe and irrigation equipment market.

20 bar pressure polyethylene pipe

20 bar pressure polyethylene pipe specifications

Due to the high density and flexibility of 20 bar pressure polyethylene pipes, they can be used in agriculture, water supply and irrigation.

Also, due to the production of these pipes from high quality compounds and their high strength and efficiency, they can be used for years to transport gas, chemicals and poisons. Among other specifications of 20 bar pressure polyethylene pipe are:

  • These pipes are made of polyethylene and have high compression and are resistant to chemicals and heat.
  • They have a high resistance against infrared and ultraviolet rays.
  • They have various sizes and their weight is light.
  • They are easy to move and transport.
  • They have a long life and little friction.
  • They are relatively cheap, highly flexible, malleable and resistant to the sun.
  • In the state of tension, they are able to withstand pressure up to 20 atmospheres (bar).
  • They can be used for water supply and irrigation in urban areas and outside the city.
  • They are very popular and widely used for greenhouse rain irrigation.
  • They can also be used in pastures and sloping lands.
  • The maximum external diameter of them is 20 mm.
  • They can be used for roof irrigation and environmental irrigation in greenhouses.
  • Due to the use of high-quality materials in their construction, they have high strength and efficiency in harsh conditions.
  • Compared to other polyethylene pipes, they have a lower price.
  • Different grades of this product have different uses.

20 bar pressure polyethylene pipe price

The price of 20 bar pressure polyethylene pipe in Vala Polymer

Different qualities and grades of 20 bar pressure polyethylene pipes are offered and sold in different centers and stores, and their prices will be different according to the quality and grade. Since the prices can be changed at any moment due to the extreme fluctuations of the exchange rate and the rapid changes of the market, please contact Vala Polymer to inquire about the price of 20 bar polyethylene pipe. Our experts will provide you with the necessary information in this field.

Buying 20 bar pressure polyethylene pipe from Vala Polymer

Vala Plimernovin Manufacturing Industries, by producing and supplying all kinds of polyethylene pipes for irrigation and water supply, gas supply, sewage and industrial transmission, is trying to realize the macro policy of improvement and productivity in the water industry. The country should take useful steps. All production lines are equipped with advanced process quality control systems, guaranteeing the quality of manufactured products. You can contact the experts of this collection for free consultation, comprehensive information about price list of 20 bar pressure polyethylene pipe and purchase of 20 bar pressure polyethylene pipe from Vala Polymer.

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