4 bar pressure polyethylene pipe



In the last century, the advancement of technology and technology has brought products that have been able to replace century-old methods, and polyethylene pipes can be considered one of these achievements. Due to its many advantages, polyethylene pipes are being replaced by concrete, cast iron and metal pipes in water supply, gas supply, sewage, etc. systems. 4 bar pressure polyethylene pipe is one of the most common pipes used in water and construction systems.

4 bar pressure polyethylene pipe specifications

Variety in the design and production of polyethylene pipes is increasing day by day. The most significant reasons for it can be the existence of properties such as lightness, flexibility, resistance to the sun and UV rays, resistance to all types of rust and corrosion, resistance to chemicals, high pressure tolerance, low cost of repairs and maintenance, and design in sizes and models. He knew differently. However, before buying 4 bar pressure polyethylene pipe, its technical specifications should be checked so that it can have a long life.

If we want to name the specifications of 4 bar pressure polyethylene pipe, the following points should be briefly noted.

  1. The polyethylene pipe with a pressure of 4 atmospheres is for sewage and construction purposes and is not designed to be used in cases such as agriculture and water supply.
  2. The maximum pressure of 4 bar for a polyethylene pipe is 4 bar pressure, and if the consumer’s use is more than 4 bar, the pipe will actually be damaged and it will increase the cost to install a more suitable pipe again.
  3. 4 bar pressure polyethylene grade should be included.
  4. The size of this type of polyethylene pipe must be specified for use, and buyers will have a better and more accurate choice if they consult with people with experience in this field.
  5. Meterage of using polyethylene pipe with a pressure of 4 atmospheres must be determined; Because in the event of an error, the cost will increase again, and this may bring huge costs in civil and construction projects.

مشخصات لوله پلی اتیلن فشار 4 بار

The price of 4 bar pressure polyethylene pipe in Vala Polymer

The price of 4 bar pressure polyethylene pipe is determined by several factors, which can be the main factors that determine it, the quality of raw materials in construction, the price of raw materials , model, size, acquisition of necessary standards, currency market fluctuations, manufacturing company and product brand, supply and demand, warranty and sales services. Unfortunately, the fluctuations of the currency market have also had a great impact on the price announcement of manufactured products; In such a way that most producers are excused from announcing the price of their goods in a fixed and long time. You can contact our experts at Valapolymer to get information about the price list of 4 bar pressure polyethylene pipe.

Purchase 4 bar pressure polyethylene pipe from Vala Polymer

Wala Polymer Novin Manufacturing Industries has started its activity since 2005 in the direction of producing all kinds of polyethylene pipes for various uses such as water supply, gas supply, sewage, etc. One of the most widely used pipes for sewage and construction purposes is the 4-bar pressure polyethylene pipe, which has replaced concrete and metal pipes for various reasons such as high resistance, flexibility, lightness, long life, etc. We at Vala Polymer, which is one of the pioneers in the production of 4-bar pressure polyethylene pipes, have made every effort to increase customer satisfaction by improving product quality and using modern knowledge. You can contact our experts to buy this product.

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