How long does the drip irrigation polyethylene pipe last?

How long does the drip irrigation polyethylene pipe last?

Did you know that regular maintenance is the best way to increase the life of the drip irrigation polyethylene pipe? While a subsurface drip irrigation system can last twelve to fifteen years, especially if well maintained, some system components may need to be replaced or repaired over the years.

Drip irrigation systems are rarely installed with maintenance, repairs and future growth of plants and trees in mind. Using the right techniques and materials during installation increases the life of the drip irrigation polyethylene pipe and eases subsequent repairs. Maintaining the efficiency and features of polyethylene pipes in direct contact with acidic substances and water disinfectants is one of the advantages It is the main of these pipes. According to the studies, the average useful life of these pipes is very high, as a result, their use in the drip irrigation system can be very economical.

In the rest of the article, stay with Vala Polymer to know the durability and lifespan of drip irrigation polyethylene pipes for irrigation operations.

How long is the polyethylene pipe for drip irrigation?

For years, drip irrigation systems have been highly regarded for successfully watering plants and saving water consumption. Drip irrigation is used in agricultural fields, plantations and greenhouse gardens for optimal use of water resources and is one of the most common methods of irrigation in recent years. But do you know how many years is the lifespan of polyethylene drip irrigation pipes and how many years can these pipes last?

Drip irrigation systems provide deep root irrigation for plants, shrubs and trees. Such deep watering periodically throughout the summer and winter months allows shrubs and trees to develop strong, deep roots, maintain healthy growth, and withstand strong winds. In the drip irrigation method and by using a polyethylene drip irrigation tape, the entire surface of the soil does not get wet and the growth of weeds around agricultural products is prevented.

Extending the life of drip irrigation polyethylene pipe

The amount of waste water, toxins, fertilizers and pesticides in this method is almost zero, because the fertilizer and water reach the roots directly and moisten the growth environment. This method of irrigation in our country has been very well received due to its location in dry and desert areas, and farmers consider this option as the most appropriate way to cultivate agricultural land in their dry and desert areas. Indeed, the life span of drip irrigation polyethylene pipes depends on what things and how to increase their usage period?

The advantages of using polyethylene drip irrigation tape include things like being resistant to ultraviolet rays, acid and chemicals used in agriculture, resistance to tension during installation. , resistant to blockage and the formation of algae and bacteria, can be installed in the depth and surface of the soil, made of the best materials to ensure accurate and long-term performance, etc.

read more: Application of polyethylene pipe in agriculture

One of the most common problems with drip irrigation lines that may occur; That is, after four to five years, the pipe may crack and start leaking. Typically, the lifespan of a drip irrigation polyethylene pipe is about 50 to 100 years. Longer use can lead to excessively high water bills, as frequent leaks and water damage can become a problem. Another factor that can affect the lifespan of drip irrigation polyethylene pipes is that over time these pipes are damaged by the growth of roots and can lead to leaks in the system.

tips to increase the lifespan of drip irrigation polyethylene pipe

Drip irrigation polyethylene pipes are flexible pipes that are very suitable for drip irrigation. But there are problems that eventually occur in drip systems and can cause problems such as the deviation of polyethylene irrigation lines by the roots and preventing the water from flowing, the penetration of the roots of shrubs and trees through the outlets and couplings into the irrigation lines and the growth of roots inside Polyethylene irrigation lines and the restriction of water flow as a result of reduced pressure.

When discussing the longevity and durability of polyethylene pipes for drip irrigation, there are some characteristics that are better to ensure the durability and longevity of your drip irrigation polyethylene pipe. Let’s pay attention to them. In fact, it is enough to follow some simple tips to increase the lifespan of the drip irrigation polyethylene pipe. Following these tips will help you to maintain your irrigation system for years with minimum cost.

Placement in the right place

One of the considerations that is usually ignored when installing drip irrigation lines and in order to increase the life of the drip irrigation polyethylene pipe, is placing the irrigation lines under the ground. Drip irrigation pipes are destroyed when exposed to UV light.

According to experts, you can expect drip irrigation pipes to last more than 50 years if buried. If the pipe is laid above ground, it will typically last less than 50 years due to a number of factors including exposure to direct sunlight, UV rays, and an increased risk of freezing and cracking.

Droppers also have different lifespans. Button droppers are less likely to clog; But if they are blocked, they need to be replaced. Another reason for reducing the lifespan of the polyethylene pipe of drip irrigation and the failure of the dripper and drip lines is harming humans, dogs, rabbits, ground squirrels and rats.

read more: Health and safety of polyethylene pipe

Resistance and standardization

Being resistant to corrosion and decay and having the ISO 7607 standard are two important characteristics that we should pay attention to when buying polyethylene pipes. The inner and outer surface of these pipes can be damaged due to exposure to corrosive and rotting substances such as acid and chemicals used in agriculture. As a result, this can affect the life of the drip irrigation polyethylene pipe.

proper design

These tubes have a unique design and a maximum smooth and polished surface is used in them, which can greatly affect their useful life. Because with the passage of time, sediments do not accumulate in them and as a result not only the water pressure does not decrease; Rather, it increases the speed and settling of water when passing through these pipes.

Durability of drip irrigation polyethylene pipe Temperature and water pressure control

Another important point to increase the lifespan of drip irrigation polyethylene pipe is to change the temperature of the water and the pressure to which the pipes are exposed. Check. It is true that these pipes are designed in such a way that they can be efficient in high temperature and pressure and maintain their efficiency in the best way, but the high temperature and pressure of water can reduce their useful life.


In this article from Vala Polymer, we tried to express important and practical points to increase durability of drip irrigation polyethylene pipe. A few tips were also discussed about installing new irrigation systems that last for years and offer more manageable maintenance and replacement.

Novin Vala Polymer Manufacturing Industries is the leader in the production of high-pressure polyethylene pipes for gas and water supply and irrigation tapes for the pipe industries of Iran. Water supply polyethylene pipe, 16 mm size polyethylene pipe for irrigation and lateral water supply (LLD), types of drip irrigation tapes, irrigation equipment, water supply equipment are five of the commercial products of this company. For more information about irrigation systems, their installation or maintenance, please contact the experts in this collection.

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