5 bar pressure polyethylene pipe



5 bar pressure polyethylene pipe is one of the best and most practical pipes used in the industry. Since there are different types of polyethylene pipes and they are produced in different pressures and standards according to the conditions of the project, the polyethylene pipe with a pressure of 5 atmospheres is used in certain projects based on its characteristics.

Those who intend to use 5 bar pressure polyethylene pipe should be fully familiar with its specifications and performance and know its exact price before buying.

Specifications of 5 bar pressure polyethylene pipe

5 bar pressure polyethylene pipe can withstand 5 atmosphere pressure. This pipe is produced with PE80 material grade in different sizes. The larger this size is, the more weight the polyethylene pipe has.

Polyethylene pipe with a pressure of 5 atmospheres is produced and marketed by Vala Polymer Company with the best raw materials. It should also be noted that the pipe produced by this company has all the global quality standards, approvals and international certificates.

5 bar pressure polyethylene pipe has other features such as anti-corrosion and anti-rust; For this reason, they use it as the main lines of the urban sewage network and the industrial wastewater discharge unit. Of course, these types of pipes are also used for other applications. For example, due to the good resistance of this product, it is used to protect polymer or cast iron faucets in green spaces.

5 bar pressure polyethylene pipe

Another feature of the 5 bar pressure polyethylene pipe is its light weight. For this reason, their use in the industry has increased. It is also necessary to know that different types of tests, including density test, melt flow index, carbon test determination, tensile value, burst pressure, thermal return, etc., have been performed on this type of polyethylene pipe to ensure its quality. be.

price of 5 bar pressure polyethylene pipe in Vala Polymer

Usually those who intend to buy 5 bar pressure polyethylene pipe; First, they try to get accurate information about its price. The issue that buyers should pay attention to is that various factors such as currency fluctuations and rapid market changes prevent manufacturers from setting a specific price for it.

If you intend to buy a polyethylene pipe with a pressure of 5 bar, visit the Vala Polymer website and after checking and knowing the specifications of this product, contact our consultants to price of 5 bar pressure polyethylene pipe and other products.

Purchase of 5 bar high polymer polyethylene pipe

Today, various productions and companies work in the field of polyethylene pipe production. Vala Polymer Novin is one of the best and most reliable companies that operates in the field of production of polyethylene pipes, polyethylene pipe fittings and tape. All the products of this company have achieved global quality standards and are exported to foreign countries. If you want to access the 5 bar pressure polyethylene pipe price list, just contact Vala Polymer (Valapolymer.com), our colleagues will advise and guide you in this field.

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